Walking in the “flesh” is the default mode of every generation, including ours. It is what “I” prefer and it is what “you” prefer. Its what we’ve always preferred.

In every generation, the path of a Christ follower has been completely obstructed without the constant aid of God’s Holy Spirit.

Three Questions About YouNo one can choose, or even desire, any other way – in their own strength. And yet, this is exactly what is required to “overcome” in this life. That is, to overcome, we must walk in the “Spirit,” not in the “flesh.”

Now, three questions…

– Do you suffer from a spiritual thirst that cannot seem to be quenched?

– Are you wandering aimlessly in search of a reason for your existence?

– Do you have wounds and aches deep inside of you where no one else can see?

If you answered “Yes” to any question above, pay close attention.

Our life is but a vapor… just a mere wisp of smoke. We can choose to spend this fleetingly brief moment in a vain attempt to avoid that “still, small voice” that lingers within. But what if, instead, we humbly asked God for guidance?

Just as every house has a builder, so too, you and I have a Creator. He desires to share His purposes with you.

The Creator designed you for a very specific purpose.

But for a man or woman to successfully follow Christ into the fulfillment of those purposes, they must know God’s voice. And in order to discern God’s voice from the myriads of other voices in the wind, they must also know God’s Word.

God’s Word always confirms God’s voice… And God’s voice always confirms His Word.

If you will listen, you will hear.

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