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A Call to Action

A Call to Action

The Christian church bears the responsibility of sharing the gospel message with all of humanity. This is not easy. The world is hostile to our message of hope. They are arrogant in the face of their ignorance of basic spiritual principles. And unfortunately, many have been ‘turned off’ to Christianity by Christians themselves who have mishandled the Word of God or mishandled their mouths. However the Great Commission, given to us by Jesus to evangelize the world, was not a request. It was and still is a command. He commands us to go forth and share our faith with others. With the Lord’s return at hand, it is imperative that we reach out to our unsaved family and friends with the life saving message of the gospel. Many people are living in fear because they have no hope for the future. How can we be silent when we have the answers?

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The City of Babylon

The City of Babylon

The city of Babylon ruled over one of the most important and powerful empires of ancient Mesopotamia.

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